3rd International Women of the Mountains Conference
1ra Conferencía International Mujer de los Andes
14 June 2012, Auditorium de la Municipalidad Provincial de Puno
UVU Delegation and some Hosts
Conference Background
Many of the regions addressed in larger conferences have little or no access to funding
to attend these conferences (I.e Women of the Mountains 2011) UVU, along with the
Mountain Partnership, have embarked on a series of smaller conferences with the goal
of Outreach to the very regions in need.
These Outreach Conferences are smaller more localized events tailoring to remote regions
that are directly impacted by, but not exclusive to, Global Climate Change, Resource
Abuse, and Population Exploitation. These conferences provide a platform for the people
of these regions and we at UVU provide a global audience via the Women of the Mountains
Goals of the 2012 Women of the Mountains International Conference
- To discuss pressing issues concerning mountain communities in the Andean regions of
Peru and Surrounding countries;
- To continue traditions of two previous international Conferences, organized by UVU
and IUK in Orem, Utah in 2007 and 2011;
- To implement a number of decisions of the Orem Declaration of Mountain Women, the
final document of the first conference in 2007 which aimed, in particular on:
- Strengthening regional alliances to promote gender issues;
- Encouraging membership in the Mountain Partnership and Mountain Forum;
- Alternating convention sites between Utah and the other mountainous countries around
the world, with the aim of identifying and resolving mountain women problems in particular
regions of the world.
Conference Papers